Monday, July 28, 2008

Superman returns, batman returns, now its turbo's turn??

"Turbo C was a Borland IDE and compiler for C. It was first introduced in 1987 and was noted for its integrated development environment, small size, extremely fast compile speed, comprehensive manuals and low price. In May 1990, Borland replaced the Turbo C with Turbo C++. In 2006, Borland reintroduced the Turbo moniker."

-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turbo C 2.01 provided everything you needed, all of the tools, included in one environment. Turbo C 2.01 provided tight integration between the editor, compiler, linker, and debugger. This was the first version of Turbo C to include the integrated debugger. The professional version also included the standalong versions of Turbo Assembler and Turbo Debugger.

Garage days revisited?? Yes, indeed!!
A typical BSOD experienced by OLD SCHOOL coders!

An old quote:

Turbo C 2.0 and Turbo C 2.0 Professional Features

Turbo C

  • Compiles over 16,000 lines per minute

  • Hypertext Online Help

  • Supports inline assembly

  • All six memory models supported

  • More than 450 library functions

Turbo Assembler (Professional version only)

  • Assembles up to 48,000 lines per minute

  • Compatible with MASM 4.0, 5.0, 5.1

  • Full 386 support

  • Assembles multiple files

Turbo Debugger (Professional version only)

  • Debug any size program

  • Browse through structures with data debugging

  • Set conditional breakpoints, break on memory access

  • Stopm run code, log expressions

  • 386 ICE capabilities

"It makes my old memories flash - the moments I did self learning when I was in High School: Pascal first, and then I did develop some small apps using its Turbo Pascal and Turbo C."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Great Indian IT and A Simple Indian Computer

"Bangalore conference, 1998: A group of IT industry professionals and professors discussed the idea of a computer that has relevance and is affordable to the common man. It should have applications that would benefit users in smaller town and even villages. It should bring information to them in their own language and with an interface that would make it easy to use."

Six years ago, the Simputer was the biggest story to come out of the Indian IT industry.It was to be the first time that a computing product would be completely indigenously developed and marketed. What made the whole idea sweeter was that it would be a product that would take computing to the very interiors of India." It has a special role in the third world because it ensures that illiteracy is no longer a barrier to handling a computer." -brags its official website.It would have been a 'personal computer' costing less than half the price of the conventional desktop available in the market.The promises were many.But how far has the Simputer come since then?[Apart from giving me the title "IT Kid of 2004" (iBrag :-P)for its promotion strategy and working out a blueprint for its integration with NLP Project and support for multiple platforms, and JAVA, and Jini, and blah, blah...][Please donate/support/help to revive India's most promising invention, the hand-held Simputer, that can truly take the computer revolution to the masses.]

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Code Sense Utd. FC

I have spent two of the four years as a student graduating from Jorhat Engineering College, Assam, and it would have been a complete waste had I actually studied only Computer Science & Engineering, which is what my parents thought they were paying for. As a result, almost all of my exams were passed on a week's work. But what I did learn, besides how to con my way into the teacher's good books, was that the worst thing you can ever do to yourself is to specialize in a given area. I do not advocate my methods, because flying trapeze without a safety net is not exactly a smart thing to. However, myself as a damaged CS Engineer is something I did not appreciate at all, and thus, I went ahead to change things. We all know how useless it is, not to mention its dull and indigestible nature; a typical CS student might have to spend half his time on it. Is it worht it?? It is, if you ask me, but some feel that there are better things to be done, to which I cannot disagree either.